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HIRO Cosmetics - Natural Pressed Eye Shadow Refill

HIRO Cosmetics - Natural Pressed Eye Shadow Refill

This is a refill! In case of need, you can choose your free refillable packaging here!
3 g  -   4.98  per 1 g
Price in points: 150 points
Reward points: 5 points
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HIRO Cosmetics - Pressed Eye Shadow Refills

Mattes and shimmers, bold and beautiful, warm and cold: HIRO Cosmetics Pressed Eye Shadows got you covered for all occasions - no matter if you want to glam up your daily makeup look or getting party-ready! 

Buttery in texture, the natural & vegan pressed eye shadows come in 15 mesmerizing shades that offer long-lasting and intense color. They are easy to blend and buildable without any so-called fallout. Available in the following shades:

  • .wav – A warm, matte brown
  • 808 - A shimmery antique gold
  • Aliasing -  A deep, matte navy blue
  • Analog -  A warm, shimmery bronze
  • B2B - a neutral brown taupe with silver glitter, flattering for all eye colors
  • Crossfading - A matte intense plum with silver glitter
  • Equalizer - A shimmery, burnt copper
  • Frequency - A frosted, shimmery sterling silver
  • Headroom - A matte, creamy baby pink
  • LFO - A shimmery taupe with cool undertones
  • Loop - A shimmery, deep turquoise
  • Midi - A matte, neutral brown
  • Remix - a shimmery, warm champagne peach, great as highlighter too
  • Sequencer - A creamy, warm gold with shimmer
  • Synchronize -  A matte forest green
  • Velocity - A shimmery, light peach 
  • Vinyl - A matte charcoal with silver glitter

100% Natural | 75% Organic | Talc Free | Gluten Free | Vegan

Please note: Hiro's Natural Pressed Eye Shadows come as a refill, meaning this product is a tin only. But not to worry, the palette it fits in is FREE of charge with the purchase of this product! Simply go here, and choose your pallette. In your shopping cart, the discount will automatically be calculated.

Apply the Natural Pressed Eye Shadow all over the lid with either your fingertips or a small brush. Blend the edges to create a uniform and seamless veil of color on your eyelid. The color will be even more vivid if you prime your eyes with the HIRO Space Balm Concealer.

For a winged liner look, use an angled liner brush and apply your color of choice with small soft movements near your upper lash line and wing it out upwards towards the outer corner of your eyebrow.

If you want to maximise the color pay-off of the matte colors, mix them with a little bit of water (dab your brush in cold water) directly in the tin.

Vegan :
Manufacturer :

Hi Amazingy, Can you tell me if the Mica in the eyeshadow is ethicaly sourced or synthetic? It is something I heard recently about child labor in sourcing Mica and I was curious how Hiro handles this.

Asked by Nynke | 10.01.2022, 13:32 | 1 answer(s)

Hallo bei Amazingy, wie genau ist bitte der Durchmesser der Eyeshadow-Pfännchen bzw würden sie in die Lidschattendöschen von Kjaer Weis passen? Die Refills von denen sind mir echt zu teuer! Viele Grüße!

Asked by Christine Wien | 17.12.2020, 16:09 | 1 answer(s)

Welchen Pinsel würdet Ihr empfehlen, um den Hiro pressed Powder Lidschatten mit Wasser als Lidstrich aufzutragen? Danke!

Asked by Mila | 22.09.2020, 23:08 | 1 answer(s)

Hello, I recently purchased the black knight mineral powder eyeshadow from Hiro to substitute the cake liner from RMS and it’s fantastic! The eyeliner stays put all day and is beautiful mat. As a base I love cloud nine from Kjaer Weis but I’m looking for a similar mat colour from Hiro because Kjaer Weis eyeshadows tend to crease after a few hours. What do you recommend? Cookies and cream, velocity, ? I also bought White Knight bit this is a little bit to shimmery for me. What can I do to make it less ‘shiny’? Thanks in advance for your help. Have a wonderful day! Anuschka

Asked by Anuschka van den Berghe | 22.09.2020, 18:34 | 1 answer(s)

Ist "Analog" vergleichbar mit ILIA "Unite" (aus der warmen Nude-Palette)? Wie unterscheiden sich die beiden? Und wann wird "Analog" voraussichtlich wieder lieferbar sein? Wäre sehr dankbar für eine kurze Nachricht!

Asked by Mila | 30.06.2020, 12:01 | 1 answer(s)

Wie unterscheiden sich die Farbe MIDI und Kjaer Weis‘ „Charmed“?

Asked by Mila | 22.06.2020, 13:59 | 1 answer(s)

Liebes Amazingy Team, könntet ihr mir Swatches von Sequencer und Equalizer per Email schicken?

Asked by Jassi | 02.03.2018, 14:49 | 1 answer(s)

Sorry nicht Vinyl sondern Analog. Danke sehr !

Asked by Anna Borkowska | 31.01.2018, 22:59 | 1 answer(s)

Hey ich hätte auch gerne search es von LFO, Velocity, Sequencer und Vinyl. Dankeschön !

Asked by Anna Borkowska | 31.01.2018, 22:58 | 0 answer(s)

Von 3 Farben habe ich schon ein schönes Swatch-Bild auf Instagram gefunden. Wann gibt es Swatches für die restlichen Farben?

Asked by Susanne | 23.11.2017, 14:45 | 1 answer(s)

Hallo, könntet ihr mir mit Mail die swatches con Velocity und Headroom schicken? Danke vielmals. Gruß P.s. ich habe eine Anfrage auch über die HIRO Foundation geschickt, aber ich glaub, daß ich meine Mail vergessen habe.

Asked by Birgit  | 26.11.2017, 10:46 | 1 answer(s)
First Hiro purchase and love it!
I bought three shadows .wav, velocity and LFO and I absolutely love them. Great texture and coverage, no fall out and they feel great on. I struggle with eyeshadows irritating my skin, but the formula of these hasn't caused me any trouble. Also love that they come as refills. Can't recommend enough!
Colour: .Wav; 

Found useful: 2  out of  2
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Aboslutely gorgeous
These are so beautiful, and they hold just fine. I don't agree with the review below at all. Ingredients are top-notch too and just love the refillable packaging.
Colour: LFO; 

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entire face covered in shimmer! eyes irritated
I have purchased 3 colors (Velocity, Equalizer and Crossfading) about a year ago, so I had quite some time to test these eyeshadows. Honestly? I hate them. Never in my life have I had so much fallout! whenever I tried to use them I ended up with my entire face covered in shimmer particles. Wiping it off after applying does not help, as they keep falling out throughout the day no matter what. With or without primer, applied with brush or finger - NOTHIG helps it. The fallout is so intense, that I end up with itchy and irritated eyes and have to reapply eyedrops. It is ridiculous but I could even see small eyeshadow particles floating in my eyes! Velocity was the worst of three and it already went to the trash bin. It was so bad that I couldn´t even use it on the inner corners of the eyes without freaking out. But since the price tag is quite high I still try to get some use out of the other two colors namely applying them as an eyeliner with a wet brush. There are many positive reviews, so I guess other people do not mind the situation above. So my advice: if you concider purchasing these eyeshadows (especially if you have sensitive eyes) at least start with one color to see how it goes. Do not make my mistake of purchasing many of them at a time. Such a shame for this price!

Answer from Amazingy:

Dear Mayya, we are very surprised about your review. We sell 100's of these per year and have honestly never had a complaint about fallout, so we are wondering what is going on with your products. Maybe they got very warm or extremely cold? Please contact us and we will come up with a solution. Thanks!
Colour: Velocity; 

Found useful: 1  out of  1
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Hiro pressed eyeshadow
Great quality and colours. I have Sequencer (gold/yellowish), Aliasing (very sexy dark blue), headroom (nice vivid pink). The shadows last all day and the pigmentation is very well. Love!
Colour: Sequencer; 

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High-end eyeshadow
Ich habe analog, velocity und vinyl. Die Farben haben Dimension, lassen sich satt auftragen und super verblenden. Halten den ganzen Tag und wandern nicht in die Lidfalte trotz Schlupfliedern. Mit Vinyl habe ich endlich DAS perfekte Schwarz gefunden. Es ist nicht platt, hat keinen Graustich und glitzert nicht - Vinyl ist die beste Beschreibung für den Farbton. Lässt sich als Lidstrich auftragen oder sogar auf dem gesamten Lid als smokey-eyes. Hält, wandert nicht, einfach top.
Colour: Vinyl; 

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Stunning and very good
I bought 3 of these, and they are stunning, easy to use, and the ingredients are very good (vegan and talc free = hard to find). I also love the palette. Will definitely purchase again.
Colour: Analog; 

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leider unverträglich
Ich habe die folgenden 3 Lidschattentöne ausprobiert: Headroom, LFO, Crossfading. Der Look war grossartig. ABER: Leider vertrage ich diesen Lidschatten nicht. Mir macht er eine Augenentzündung, mit knallroten, schleimig tränenden Augen, so dass ich die Kontaktlinsen 3 Tage lang nicht mehr tragen kann.
Bin sehr enttäuscht über das Produkt! Bin darauf gestossen, nachdem ich auf der Suche nach einem speziell hautverträglichen Lidschatten war. Hatte mit herkömmlichen Lidschatten nie vergleichbare Probleme. Frage mich deshalb, was da alles drin ist, was solch eine heftige Reaktion hervorrufen kann?

Antwort von Amazingy:
Liebe Priska, es klingt tatsächlich sehr nach einer allergischen Reaktion; das tut uns leid. Dies kann bei wirklich allen Inhaltsstoffen oder Produkten passieren, da jeder ganz individuell und einzigartig reagiert. Deswegen ist es schwer zu sagen, worauf genau Du reagiert hast. Wir haben schon Hunderte dieser Lidschatten verkauft und haben noch nie von so einem Problem gehört, wenn wir ehrlich sind. Bitte schicke uns doch eine Email, damit wir dir eine Entschädigung für deine Probleme zusenden können.

Danke! - Team Amazingy
Colour: Headroom; 

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Grobe Glitzepartikel die in Augen landen
Sowohl Velocity als auch LFO haben grobe Glitzerpartikel, die sich nach kürzester Zeit auf meinem gesamten Gesicht verteilen, was an sich schon nicht so schön ist. Noch schlimmer fand ich aber, dass sie in meinen Augen landeten und somit jedes mal für Irritation und Juckreiz gesorgt haben. Ich habe verschiedenste Applikationen ausprobiert und musste beide Lidschatten letztendlich aussortieren. Schade um die schöne Farben. Haltbarkeit war bei mir auch nicht so doll, was aber wahrscheinlich an meinen fettigen Lidern liegt.
Colour: Velocity; 

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Wow this colour is so beautiful, a very dark blue that stays on all dat and makes my brown eyes pop! Love it!
Colour: Aliasing; 

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Hiro is my Hero!
I previously purchased Frequency (the perfect silver) and Headroom (pink), and was so impressed, I ordered a few more colours - Aliasing, Crossfading and Vinyl. Goodbye Kjaer Weis! These have an equal if not superior texture to KW, luxurious, but these colours are so clean and pigmented, not dull or dirty. Aliasing is a deep navy/midnight blue. Glorious. A modern, matte colour to use for the 'smoky' look, or wet a brush and use as a liner. Crossfading is true to its description, a rich plum with glitter, very sophisticated and so suited to the winter festive season. And Vinyl is the PERFECT black with subtle shimmer. Please never change it! It's pigmented and applies black, not the disappointing grey like so many other brands. It reminds me of the charcoal sticks I used in art school. With that silvery shimmer, it is just stunning. Love! I'm absolutely smitten with my purchase. I hope you expand your range to include the vibrate, pure colours of your powder shadows.
Colour: Aliasing; 

Found useful: 7  out of  7
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